Which stage are you?


Financial Wholeness - what is it?

Financial Wholeness is a profound way of living into your truest calling. So, it is when all aspects of your financial life work together for your greatest good, greatest benefit, and richest life.

Why this is important:

Debt wreaks emotional havoc on our psyche; the financial strain affects all areas of performance. Among the adverse effects are low self-esteem and impaired cognitive functioning. This means you can't learn, remember, be attentive or solve problems while freaking out about money.

Our emotions around money drive our relationship with money. Hopes, fears, guilt, shame, and embarrassment - play a significant role in our financial life. Feelings can be tied to many things, upbringing, the first memory of money, the environments in which we live, the world, our partners, media, and so much more. Studies show that to get good with money; we need to get good with our feelings. So therefore, our feelings/emotions drive our financial decisions, both good and bad. Money is a significant contributor to your health and wellness. Diving into emotions and money is a part of self-care. One that deserves the utmost attention to detail.

Can you relate?

  • Driving a vehicle you can hardly afford.

  • Always wearing the latest trends, looking good at all costs.

  • Worried about what others think of you.

  • Giving an illusion that isn’t accurate - financial secrecy.

  • Feel the need to hide when an amazon order comes in.

  • Keeping tabs on what others are buying.

  • Scarcity mindset - will never have enough.

  • You feel guilty when you spend money on yourself.

  • Money seems to slip through your fingers.

  • Keep spending even though you carry lots of debt.

  • Unable to enjoy money.

  • Acting like a big spender with friends and family.

  • Feel the pressure of not measuring up.

  • Obsessed with money, what things cost and what others earn.

  • Hoarding money, afraid to spend it.

  • Money superiority shows up in your home.

This is “money shame.”

I know because I lived it!

YOU can break free from the grip it has on you

We offer a brave container to hold space to own that this is what you're carrying around with you. It’s weighing you down as it did me.

You deserve financial healing!

Our ten-week program gently brings self-discovery, identifying where your default forms of suffering stem from (fear, trauma, anxiety, anger, resentment, worry) and, of course - your poison of choice. How you numb the pain! This, my friends, I had mastered, but it mastered me, to be brutely honest. These are poisons: control freak, chronic workaholic, eating, video games, books, drugs, fitness, scrolling social media, binging Netflix, shopping, porn, sex, alcohol, etc.

Did any of those cause discomforts for you? If so, it’s subconscious for you. Your numbing pain is not the solution.

Serving you the solution, it’s work! It’s no pour-and-serve instant coffee approach. It takes percolating, lol. That means work, honesty, accountability, and 100% radical responsibility. This is a gradual process that we walk you through and is transformational.


time to discuss it!

We can help you make sense of it and build a plan to make your financial health flourish and thrive. Book a 60-min complimentary money coaching session.


We are not for everyone!

This partnership will work if you are:

Ready to show up BRAVE and honest.


PLAY to your strengths.

Understand that you are ACCOUNTABLE.

You are ALL IN investing in SELF.

DESIRE to have financial transformation MORE than I want it for you.

We are NOT for you if…

If you are NOT committed to putting in the work.

You are still blaming and making excuses for your finances.

Lack of ownership and accountability.

Fixed mindset.

Uncomfortable investing in yourself and your financial future.

If you are looking for a quick fix.


Your time is now!


Come as you are!

serving you at any stage:

  • hot mess express recently single, divorced, separated, or widowed

  • making sense of the mess

  • implementing a financial strategy that kicks ass

  • completing a flourishing assessment

  • providing 1:1 money coaching that leads to transformation

  • taking you on a financial healing journey

  • budgeting - cash flow analysis

  • net worth summary

  • savings regimen

  • insurance products

  • investment products

  • sounding board

  • speaking engagements

  • money advice

  • presentations | workshops | seminars

  • corporate lunch and learns

  • second opinion

  • referral to a professional advisory team of lawyers or accountants

  • problem-solving - solutions driven

  • estate planning

  • full gamut

    - determining your finish lines

    - building out your money roadmap, implementation, and continual review


We are YOUR financial wellness advocate!

We are offering presentations & workshops to corporations.

Let's talk about stats on how financial stress can impact mental health and wellness in the workplace.

Many workers indicated that they wouldn't take time off work for burnout due to financial concerns for reasons such as shame, embarrassment, and job security; this impacts their productivity and safety at the job site. But the stats are alarming - 40% of Canadians consider themselves financially unwell.

Disability claims due to mental illness are at an all-time high, reaching 500,000 per week. Do I have your attention?

Your employees are essential to your business; you value them and their families. You offer benefit packages to retain quality staff. Have you considered providing another value add through a lunch and learn that tackles the topic of money? Considering that money is a significant contributor to your worker's health and wellness, it is vital that we educate, equip, inspire, and empower your staff to reach financial wholeness.

Providing money coaching, workshops, and presentations about financial literacy is a fantastic way to give back to your employees meaningfully and offer a win-win approach.