Best Summer Ever on a Budget

Whether you are in a dual-income house or a single-family income, summer vacations don't have to break the bank. So let me share a story that changed my perspective, and I hope it rocks your world as it did mine.

About five years back, I was stuck amid some nasty mom guilt; I felt terrible because I wasn't sure what our summer plans looked like and did not have the funds to spoil my kids with a lavish summer/winter getaway. Beating myself up that, yet again, I was down to one income in our home, and we had to watch our spending. So I wallowed and asked the kids what their favourite holiday was. 

I had to RETHINK what it meant to do summer on a budget and change my perspective. Join me as I share my secret.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Retirement Checklist

We all want to retire but do we have a plan? Some of us do and some of us don’t, it can be intimidating as there are so many acronyms and moving parts to think about. Often, it’s hard to articulate how we want our days to be filled in retirement, leading me to create for you a checklist of sorts. This checklist has two components the vision side and then the nitty-gritty side of things.

I hope that you find this blog thought-provoking and insightful. It can bridge the gap for you and your partner to get on the same page when it comes to the future. A dream without a plan is just a wish, let’s bring your retirement to fruition.

#retirement #financialfreedom #financialhealth

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Amie Uitvlugt
Financial Healing & Wholeness in Our Money Using Internal Family Systems

Internal Family Systems is a powerful way of working through self-acceptance and healing, loving all parts of ourselves, and knowing they had/have a role to play in protecting and keeping us safe.

IFS is an integrated approach to psychotherapy developed by Richard C. Schwartz. The book No Bad Parts presents that we have sub-personalities, each with unique viewpoints, qualities, and experiences.

All of this plays a role in our finances, which is why you often hear me talk about money, and it is a financial healing journey. Learn more about how each part shows up in your money and the secret to finding alignment and wholeness as we unpack your money story.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Insecurities Play a Role in Our Money

To be or not to be - secure or insecure? Money involves so much more than dollars and cents; there is a link between money, self-esteem and our financial future; we have been socially conditioned to believe that our work makes us valuable, depending on our role. Creating a link between occupation and identity, and money. To no surprise why we view our self-worth based on our financial standing.

Our self-worth is abstract; it can not be measured, but money can, debt total, bank balances, annual income, and net worth. When our self-worth is based around money, our value can change in a moment; it's shifting like shadows.

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Amie Uitvlugt
What Your Parent's Didn't Teach You About Money

A life raft for young adults, a blog about what our parents didn’t teach us about money and knowing this will be a game-changer on how you live out your finances. Achieve financial freedom at a young age because you my dear ones were willing to dig deep and uncover the secret to financial wholeness. We equip you to view money from a different perspective, one that will have you reaching your goals in no time. No more self-sabotage, you are breaking free from society and the norms and forging your own path.

Brings you personal reflection, awareness, and the ability to unlearn and relearn healthy habits for your life, wealth, and health. Grap onto this life raft and away we go…

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Amie Uitvlugt
Fear & Finances

Why is this so relevant in today's world?

Fear in and by itself is not bad, we all need and have fear it is designed to keep us safe. The perception of a threat this "fear" activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that allows our bodies to fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. Remember as these responses kick in the brain is flooded with stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. This is needed in aspects of our lives, and other times this fear response occurs when there is no danger or intense situations that trigger anxiety. Understanding these responses and being aware of how to regulate them will increase your overall mental and physical as well as emotional well-being.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Finding Your Peeps

Can I start by saying, wow, what a topic this will be? Have I been working on this one for weeks? I didn't even know it was a thing until it was a thing, and then as I spoke out loud of my very own struggle with it – what do you do, many others felt as though I was reading their mind.

What the hell, and here I thought it was just me being all crazy and shit. Many of you have heard me talk about picking your friends carefully as you are on average a sum of the five people you spend the most time with. I have also said that your friends and community can either make or break your finances. I believe this to be true also.

What I didn't know to be true is that we woman I can only speak for us as I have not inquired regarding the mind of men. We woman long for close friendships, belonging, a sense of community but in reality, guess how many of us women feel alone, isolated.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Save Your Relationship & Talk Money

Money and communication are critical to a thriving relationship.

Shame interacts with avoidance to create a vicious cycle. When you are filled with shame, you avoid the conversation entirely as it is uncomfortable. Conversely, avoidance reduces anxiety - hence why so many fall into it, but this sabotages your financial future and leaves you stuck.

Much of our emotional world is unconscious, but with proper communication with your partner, you can establish a blueprint for emotions, behaviours, and money stories that can influence your relationship with money, reaching financial wholeness. We give you tips and tricks on how to talk money with your partner.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Shedding Our Old Money Stories

I could go on for hours about this as I believe that our lives, past, present and future, paired with our emotions, have lasting implications, either good or bad, on your financial wellbeing. And I don't know about you, but hell, I want wholeness in my life, in my money, and my relationships. This, my dear ones, is how it is built through transcending into your new money story.

Brene Brown quote: "You either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness."

#financialhealing #moneystories #moneymindset #financialfreedom #moneytips

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Amie Uitvlugt
How to Raise Kids as a Single Parent


Where to start, well I am guessing that if you're reading, this life for you has taken a turn that you didn't see coming. Life wasn't supposed to be this way. Whether you have or are facing a divorce or a loved one passing, you are grieving what you thought your life would look like and that my friends are real! I've been there. I would love to say that it gets better but let us be honest with each other if you are single raising kids, you may be navigating the thoughts of re-entering the dating scene. That is a shit-show all on its own, lol. Life has its a season, and as I say to my kids, there are pros and cons to every season we have in life. No matter what season you are in, here is the truth that you have hope and a future beyond your wildest dreams.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Getting your financial house in order.

Putting your financial house in order is part of self-care what better way to have peace of mind and assurance that you will reach your financial finish lines.

We also help you organize your documents as they need protection, what belongs in your emergency bag, and how to piece together your finances in a way as easy as connecting the dots. Not sure where to start? We will give you some tips and tricks.

Be sure to sign up for our newsletters, as they too have valuable takeaways and some of our best family-kept secret recipes.


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Amie Uitvlugt
It was never a dress...

It was never a dress…

Mother’s Day Addition - We share with you some of our favourite epics fail moments of being a mom.

Our stories will make you laugh as it is never dull in our house. Sharing with you is what we do, and we can’t wait for you to become part of the You Insure family so we too can learn your funny stories.


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Amie Uitvlugt
Fear of Success? SELF-Sabotage? - NO WAY, why in green acres would we do that!

Without a step forward we remain in the same spot. Why is it that we as humans self-sabotage our own success? Out of fear, self-pity, self-justification, blame, lack of confidence, that we have been beaten down that we feel undeserving? The list can go on and on, trust me I know.

How is it that we want success so bad and yet do so much to stop it? Both conscious and unconscious, how do we overcome it?

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Amie Uitvlugt
Learning Corner - Video’s on Insurance

Videos that are under 10 minutes about insurance. What is life Insurance - we have videos that explain the different types: term insurance, permanent insurance, living benefits, critical illness insurance and so much more.

Learn at your own pace, at a time that is convenient for you. Once you are ready, we are here to build out a unique plan that builds a fence around you and your family that will ensure peace of mind.

Just looking to learn, no problem we are here to educate you so you can make an informed decision. Let us know how we can serve you.

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Amie Uitvlugt
You or Your Family May Qualify for Free Money SWEET

Could YOU or a family member qualify for financial help?

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is an investment tool helping people with disabilities plan for their future. There are many advantages to the program including a number of grants and bonds that participants can receive.

This is an extraordinary opportunity to take advantage of the free money available to you or a loved one.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Generational Alphabet Soup Anyone?

What contributes to our money habits? Is it generational?

Could it be a label such as a boomer, gen x, millennial?

The how to live out financial freedom in all generations, generational wealth and the key to success are hidden within this blog and You Insure’s workshops.

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Amie Uitvlugt
Men and Money, Who Knew?

Men opening up too many aspects around money, who knew?

REALLY? You’re telling me that men are willing to talk about the emotions behind their spending habits? They are eager to talk about shame, fears, and lies that they have believed all these years about money stemming from their money stories. I chuckled arrogantly to him and said I didn’t think so.

I WAS WRONG - these amazing men were willing to share their views and experiences with money in this way. It is RARE, and asking the right questions is key!

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Amie Uitvlugt
Bettered by Books

You Insure’s very own book club - Bettered by Books

The MORE that you READ, the MORE things you will know. The MORE that you LEARN, the MORE places you’ll go. - Dr. Seuss

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Amie Uitvlugt
Anger is easier to handle than this - said "GRIEF"


Pain is a funny thing. Some people deny it claiming that they are fine. Others allow it to beat

them to the ground. But with pain one thing is always the same, you can’t escape it. You cannot

outrun it or outgrow it. You must learn to live through it because if you can’t then you won’t

truly be living at all.

- Grief

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Amie Uitvlugt