Protecting what matters most!

Your loved ones.

Advice begins and ends with trust, you can trust the advice will be focused on you and your family.

protecting your family

Life insurance & Living Benefits

What areas of exposure do you have regarding the "what if's" in life? Life and living benefits help ensure your goals and dreams of finishing well in retirement stay on track by using a disability, critical illness, and life insurance. In addition, our mission to share "our very own manual" from living and experiencing the other side of not planning will help you prepare a legacy by design vs a legacy by default.

What keeps you up at night?

We offer all levels of protection: Term Insurance, Whole Life: Participating and Non-Participating, and Universal Life Insurances, which protect your loved ones upon death.

Living benefits include a disability policy if you are disabled and unable to provide an income. Critical Illness coverage when you become diagnosed with a critical illness in which you need time and care.

GoFundMe is hoping, not planning.

As you enter your later years in life, your needs change, are you prepared for the cost of long-term care facilities - we offer protection for that too.

Multiple carriers to choose from to ensure you have the right product for your needs.

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Feel good Investments

Knowing what you are invested in is KEY. So we diversify a portfolio for you that aligns with your values—seeing the world from your lens to better understand what is essential for you to support and not support.

We help you to consider ESG investing (Environmental, Social, Governance), Responsible Investing, Ethical Investing, and Impact Investing that makes you feel good, all while changing the world one investment at a time.

You can have the best of both worlds: performance and impact!

We provide all the information so you can discern the best option for you and your family based on your goal.

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Health & Dental Insurance

With healthcare costs steadily rising, the impact of unexpected or even routine dental visits and prescriptions can be devastating to your budget if you don't have adequate coverage. Build a plan to suit your individual needs. It is vital to remember that when you leave your employer, you only have a small window of opportunity to ensure pre-existing conditions are covered under the right plan for you and your family.

Travel Insurance

The World is your oyster, get out and see it.

I am giving you peace of mind while you create memories. Priceless!

You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so...get on your way!
— Dr. Seuss
building out your pieces to finish well

financial advising & coaching

You have a lot going on and need a sounding board with strategic advice on the whole gamut. We provide a unique perspective specific to you.

Our approach is different; we believe it is life-altering, and we encourage you to take this journey with us where simplicity brings clarity.

We walk you through all the six financial planning principles set out by FP Canada:

  1. Cashflow

  2. Taxes

  3. Risk Management

  4. Retirement

  5. Investments

  6. Estate Planning - Legacy by Design

We provide YOU with an in-depth report, a road map that will get you to your financial finish lines while enjoying life and navigating the detours that life can throw at us without derailing your retirement.

Live out a life of significance and finish well with amie at your side.


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What can we do for you?

We take you on a journey like no other. Did you know that we all have a money story? Different relationships with money, different experiences some good, some bad. Here is what we have learned over time, your circumstances don't dictate or define who you are, nor does your net worth determine your value. We see you and want financial wholeness for YOU!

There are many facets to your finances and its role in one's life. Where you have been, where you are now, and where you want to be. Some of these are at the forefront and others are tucked away and show up subconsciously. Your story is unique, how you view things, how you react, how you move forward. It can be complex and deserves the utmost attention to detail.

Financial freedom is possible when we are willing to heal our past money wounds. Financial healing is what we serve, are you ready?

Book a meet and greet today, meet with us, get a feel for how we do things. Then sleep on it and let us know if you're up for the adventure.



The journey to financial wholeness.


Meet & Greet

Relationships are built on trust, and connections result from positive energy between people that are seen, heard, and valued.

How & Why, it Works

Create a brave space for learning and unlearning. Soaking & percolating. Digging deep and uncovering what is underneath your money patterns.

Deep Dive Into Emotions

Our emotions are in the driver's seat to many decisions. Where and how are your conscious and subconscious patterns linked?

Get ready for the mic drop…

Thoughts Lead the Way

Setting intentions and clarifying how your patterns have served or hindered your financial future.


Where In the Body

How does your body handle financial stress?

Where does it show up, and how are you working through it?

Healing is possible (I know, it did that for me.)

True North

Your compass is the key to unlocking your truest potential.

A new lens on past learnings, the power of possibilities for new beginnings, curiosity through transitions, and a vision for the future.

Power In Your Money Story

We all have a money story. Shame, embarrassment, and anxiety when it comes to money.

Unresolved money traumas are hidden within us, hindering our financial success.

“Aha,” moments take shape here.

Communication: Yours, Mine & Ours

Talking about money is hard when you don’t know how.

Discovering your money language.

Starting over and navigating blended finances can be overwhelming.

We make it simple.


Dismantling & Rewiring

Breaking apart your patterns, unlearning and relearning the truth leads to financial abundance.

Magic happens here.

Money Quadrants Lead to Contentment

Those who manage money with these quadrants experience contentment under all economic conditions.

There is no independent financial decision; what’s the trade-off?

Are you giving your “best yes”?

Intensive Money Transformation

Coaching sessions paired with the Ready to Thrive Money Workbook lead you through a transformational journey resulting in financial wholeness.

Peer support, unlimited email support, monthly book clubs.

It is building a tribe of like-minded kick-ass people that desire to finish well financially.

Now Is Your Time To Thrive

You were made for a time like this; let us take you to new heights.

It’s time to level up your life!

Call/Text: 403-866-5600


Book a Meet & Greet; our energy is contagious, beware.


Overcoming your patterns and behaviours with money once and for all!

We will have you reaching your financial finish lines in no time flat.

Financial healing awaits you. Are you ready?

This is the only way to true financial freedom, and it starts with you having the courage and bravery to dig deep with intention.


Your financial health is a part of self-care and deserves the utmost attention to detail.

We connect all the dots with the know, believe, do model so you can kick ass financially.

Head knowledge becomes heart knowledge allowing you to live out differently; you become different, and you become whole!

are we for you?

We are not like anything you have experienced, a refreshing approach to finances.